

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

There is a long history of inequity and exclusion in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). This includes the fields of ecology and evolution, and departments and programs at Yale. The Post Lab is committed to promoting diversity and advancing equity and inclusion.

We affirm that:

1. All individuals are respected and welcome in the Post Lab regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other identities

2. We stand against discrimination and harassment in all forms in the classroom, lab, and field sites

3. We are working to break down the barriers to equity and inclusivity in EEB

4. We acknowledge and work hard to minimize our implicit biases and the impacts they have on others

5. We strive to cultivate an inclusive, collaborative, and supportive working environment for all members of the Post Lab and EEB community

6. We are a community built upon mentorship, encouragement, tolerance, and mutual respect. Our goal is to create an opportunity for all members of the lab to reach their full potential. 

For more information on diversity, equality, and inclusion in EEB, at Yale, and in our field, please see: