Members of the The Mara Project and collegues from the University of Eldoret and the National Museums of Kenya conducted a Virtual Short Course on Aquatic Food Web Ecology, 7 June - 11 June 2021.
The short course included a mixture of virtual lectures and discussion. The global COVID pandemic prevented us from providing the full experince of holding the short course in Kenya (e.g., previous short courses on Food Webs and Nutrient Uptake and Metabolism) but the virtual format allowed us to include many more studens from around the world. We had participants from the following countries: Bhutan (1 student), Brazil (4), Columbia (1), Congo (1), Ethiopia (3), Kenya (34), Malawi (1), Nigeria (1), Uganda (2), and the USA (2). The majority of the short course students were pursuing advanced degrees. The demand was so great that we had to cap the course at 50 students, with a waiting list of >10 students. We may run the short coruse again later in 2021.
The instructors were Therese Frauendorf and David Post from Yale University, Amanda Subalusky, Christopher Dutton, and Joshua Ben from Florida University, Laban Njoroge from the National Museums of Kenya, and Frank Masese and Achieng Alfred from the University of Eldoret
We would like to thank all of the participants for their hard work and good spirits.
Asante sana!
The short course was funded by Yale University, University of Florida, and the National Science Foundation.